Codename Fairy Godmother Reassigned Tanjlisa Marie 9781475103069 Books

Codename Fairy Godmother Reassigned Tanjlisa Marie 9781475103069 Books
Excellent read, and definitely a page turner.
Tags : Codename Fairy Godmother: Reassigned [Tanjlisa Marie] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. What do you get when you splice TOMB RAIDER's Laura Croft with Tinker Bell? Meet Agent Thunder, a kick-butt Huntress with the Fairy Godmother Organization (FGO). Find out what happens when the FGO’s #1 bounty hunter encounters Earth’s most infamous villain and gets REASSIGNED for her own protection. If you like conspiracies,Tanjlisa Marie,Codename Fairy Godmother: Reassigned,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1475103069,JUVENILE FICTION Fantasy & Magic
Codename Fairy Godmother Reassigned Tanjlisa Marie 9781475103069 Books Reviews
This is one of the most inventive books I've ever read. Author Tanjlisa says she wants to encourage readers age 14+. Well, she encourages me, a rare visitor to young adult fantasy. Enjoyable and creative, with lots of pent up exploration of what human emotions mean to other-worldly folk, the story left me singing the fairy godmother's song "Good better best. I will never rest until my good is better and my better is best." Imagine brain-washing all teenagers accordingly, where girls act only spice and boys always wash behind their ears.
Akin to Grimm on TV, this is a recasting of fairy and leprechaun roles with a modern update to black leather and biker chic, magic wands, instant scene changes, wish granting and debt collection methods drawn from The Godfather. Agent Thunder is a Huntress for the FGO (Fairy Godmother Organization) and so hot she'd roast the cover of Vogue. If spontaneous combustion has a mother, she is it. She is pitted against Ciaran, an alpha-hunka-hunka, who is in character diabolique with a thick Irish accent. If their relationship is infatuation, then it's potentially earth-shattering. Together, their waltz could spin a Samoan creation myth, though the banks of the Arkansas River will do nicely.
Engrossed after three pages, I just wanted to know what made these fairies tick. By what rules do they grant wishes? And when was Agent Thunder appearing in my bedroom at 3am, wand at the ready? Come on down, says I, in my asbestos PJs. By page 105, I could only sip ice-water while soaking in the bath tub until I had read every page. Gasp and great balls of fire, I don't remember coming up for air. Descriptive and alliterative, each sentence has been massaged to masterly atmospheric effect. We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto, not even on planet Earth half the time.
OK, Tanjlisa Marie, set me up for a shot of pixie dust. I'm ready to flap my skirts and do the Can-Can after spending pages with these girl scout grant wishers on steroids. Every fairy tale I've even read has been shattered at warp speed. Who knew pulling emotions from a fairy was like visiting the dentist. After this tour of the off-worldly underside of fairyland, the back office of promise enforcement and favors returned on time, to the day, I'm ready to make offerings to my Irish heritage and keep the leprechauns at bay. I vote for the asthmatic genius in the day bed and am ready to be tattooed head to toe to walk a pristine Pacific island if it keeps the volcanoes benign.
Now, about that wish? I only get one? Huzzah for Tanjlisa! We readers need more of you. Please blow the lid off the library stack at your local junior high school by gifting this book.
Codename Fairy Godmother Reassigned
Codename Fairy Godmother Book One
By Tanjlisa Marie
When you make a deal with a Fairy Godmother you have until your thirty second birthday to "pay it forward" if not then that is where Agent Thunder comes in to send the unfortunate person to a fate worse than Hell. But when Agent Thunder runs into a Leprechaun she is reassigned by the Queen Mother for her own protection, until Ciaran, the Leprechaun tracks her down.
So you may think this is your average fantasy novel, but you would be extremely mistaken. Thunder is a fighter first and foremost with a no nonsense approach to the human race. I loved when she began working with the children granting their wishes at first she is flummoxed and then she bullies the children into taking five minutes tops, when you add this hilarious aspect to the high powered action then combine the science fiction aspect to the story you have a truly exceptional novel with a little bit of everything for everyone. The only problem I had was that the romance seemed to be a bit lackluster, the author focuses more on her relationship with a particular child and less on her budding romance with Ciaran, which is fine by me it just doesn't make the final storyline as powerful as it could be. That being said the rest is golden and worth the read.
I was sent a free copy of this book for an honest review.
This first-time author has come up with a fascinating world filled with fairies the likes of which you've never read about before. All of the fairies but two are Wish Granters (Fairy Godmothers). The other two are Huntresses, one of whom is Agent Thunder, the main character in "Reassigned." And all these creatures are ruled by the Queen Mother.
Agent Thunder is the Lisbeth Salander (referring to "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo") of the Fairy World she's tenacious, hard-edged, tough, loveless, and a loner.
When she encounters Ciaran Darcy, the last leprechaun in existence, a series of events is unleashed that could cause such tragedy and sorrow in the Fairy Godmother world that Agent Thunder is reassigned, and becomes a Wish Granter - much to her chagrin.
But the leprechaun, whom we discover is her soul-mate, is never far from her, and the book climaxes with a battle between the two. Since this is book one of a series, I won't be giving anything away when I say that Agent Thunder survives to fight again another day.
I wanted to really like this book. And there were many reasons to do so.
First, the author has put a great deal of thought into the world she's created for the Fairy Godmothers, and it's an amazing planet. Their powers, abilities, lifestyles, and even their fashion sense are all described in loving detail so much so that you can really "see" them in your mind's eye.
It wasn't hard to tell when the author was writing the scenes/chapters that mattered most to her they almost jump off the page.
By far the best chapter in the book is Thunder's meeting with the Fairy Godmother, Matai. It was obviously one of the author's favorite chapters, it was so well written and full of life, portent, and angst.
I loved all the chapters that took place on her planet, Platherus. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting all the characters there, especially the Queen Mother and the Pixie that's assigned to Agent Thunder. Later, when Solaris is "translating" pixie-ish for Thunder, I can see the whole thing like a movie it's THAT well described.
The best character in the book? Definitely little Solaris Hubbard. She's beautifully portrayed, and who wouldn't want to know her and protect her? Again, it's not hard to detect which parts of the book were the author's favorites because they're so well done.
Agent Thunder's first assignment as a Wish Granter was another great visual, and a lot of fun to read.
I had a hard time deciding what this book is meant to be love story? Good vs Evil story? And the author made it even more confusing by not knowing herself, and that's where this book breaks down.
The main "love" interest, Ciaran Darcy (the Leprechaun), was so abusive, violent, and just plain evil that Thunder's attraction to him never made any sense to me. He was meant to be charismatic and tempting, but he was just plain sadistic.
Thunder's initial attraction to him might have made sense, but early on in their "relationship" she learns just how truly evil Ciaran is. Once she knows this, given her character, I would think that the rest of her mission in the story would be to destroy him before he destroys not only her, but the rest of her planet, and a human she's grown to care about.
I found the story very one-sided when it came to the portrayal of males all were shown to be lecherous, vain, violent, and/or stupid. This gender-bias, along with the violence, the objectification of women (`The ex-Huntress now realized she had been the ultimate weapon all this time, just using the wrong weaponry' when examining herself in the mirror and noticing her sexuality for the first time), Agent Thunder's continued longing for the abusive, sadistic Darcy, along with some lesser legal issues like minors drinking makes me wonder if this book can really be classified as Young Adult.
As for Agent Thunder's continued attraction to Ciaran Darcy I just didn't get it, and the entire "romantic" premise ruined the story for me. There can be no romance or love where abuse, violence, and outright murder are involved. If the author were to throw out the "love story" between Darcy and Thunder, and make them immortal enemies, this book would rock.
As it is, the last couple of chapters almost make it laughable, and I seriously doubt that's what the author intended. When Thunder thinks to herself, `Her poor, handsome, misunderstood Ciaran,' I wanted to scream. And when Thunder says, "Sure he was a confused, sociopathic, masochistic, sadistic murderer..." and then basically says `but hey, aren't we all?' I laughed out loud. Again, not what the author wanted to happen, I'm sure.
Finally, although I realize this is the first of a series, I still wanted a final chapter that dealt with Thunder's relationship with little Solaris.
I think Ms. Marie has a wonderful ability to conjure up new, fascinating worlds for us to see. With some time for her writing to gain maturity, and some work at learning how to deepen characterizations, I believe her stories will shine.
The best original book I have read in many years. I hope the author will continue to write more stories. If this story goes to Hollywood I will be in line to watch it.
Excellent read, and definitely a page turner.

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